Monday, September 28, 2009

savor it all

I have found it quite intriguing lately to observe my daughter's behavior with gummy bears.

Over the past past few months we've given her chewable vitamins, as recommend by her doctor. She is limited to 2 a day; one in the morning, one in the evening. Whenever I give her one she takes it in her little hand and goes to sit down. 5 minutes later she is still holding it, playing quietly with a toy or reading a book. She begins to take tiny bites out of the corner of the bear ...10 minutes go by and she is just finishing it off. My wife responds, "She likes to savor it."

A couple weeks ago we went to a friends birthday party at a park in Culver City. Near the end I had found a bag of gummy bears and gave it to my daughter to enjoy. She happily ate to the bottom of the pouch until she came to the last 2. With one in each fist, she handed me the bag, and ran away to play in the sand. 5 minutes later ... still 2 gummy bears -- playing heartily in the sand. 10 minutes later ... one gummy bear left -- I asked her "What do you have in your hand Selah?" She looked down wistfully at the tiny treat.

I've learned a lot from this simple conduct: not to take things/ situations/ people for granted and to enjoy them as it may be the only, or last you'll ever have. I understand there is a fragile distinction between savoring and hoarding. With this in mind, my wife and I are trying to be attentive to commend appreciation and shun obsession; while working on our own gratefulness for every moment.