Tuesday, July 28, 2009

be careful little eyes

There is an great amount of verity in the children's lullaby "be careful little eyes what you see." The windows which allow light to shine to the center of the being are in truth very small and the heart of man does well to regard with care where he directs them.

The progression of sight is something like this (I'm far from a scientist, so bear with me): greeted with an array of colors and shapes, the eye sends arrangements of pictures to the mind to be interpreted by the heart. The longer period of time that the eyes remain focussed on a particular scene the more the heart is allowed to meditate on what it has seen. The heart has the ability to sway the whole being of man (his soul). "Guard your heart, for from it comes the rivers of life." (Prov 4:32) Slowly and ever so slightly the soul tilts towards the left or right until a man is overcome by good or evil.

Choose with diligence and belabored care that which your eyes gaze upon.

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